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Jobs | BPS



Jobs | BPS

How do I find a job in psychology?

Whether you’re looking to work with children, older people, people with mental illnesses, or any other segment of the population, there’s a range of sub-disciplines in the field of psychology for almost any interest:

From psychology graduate jobs to roles within the wider psychological workforce, the job market for psychologists is expected to grow much faster than average in the coming years, so now is a great time to consider a rewarding career in psychology.

How can I best prepare for a job interview?

You’re studying hard, but how do you make sure you secure your dream job?

Coming across well in a job interview is an important step towards your landing your perfect job, and there are lots of psychological tips to make sure you come out on top.

The BPS Division of Occupational Psychology have put together some top tips for job interviews to help you stand out from the crowd.

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