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British New Year’s Resolution Statistics 2024



British New Year’s Resolution Statistics 2024

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How many Brits are setting New Year’s resolutions in 2024?

Research from Forbes Advisor has revealed that almost a third (30%) of Brits will be setting New Year’s resolutions in 2024. The research revealed that a further 8% are yet to decide whether or not they will set goals for the coming year. 

  • The trend of setting New Year’s resolutions is expected to be more widespread in 2024. Research reveals that in 2023, less than one in five people (19%) set resolutions.
  • Younger people are most likely to set New Year’s resolutions, with more than half of those aged 18-34 (51%) planning to set one in 2024. Meanwhile, over a third of individuals (34%) aged 35-54 will be setting new year goals and just 12% of people aged 55 and above will be doing so.
  • Overall, nearly one in five British people (18%) feel under pressure to set New Year’s resolutions. The younger age group (18-34 year olds) experiences this pressure the most, with over a third (37%) acknowledging this sentiment. Among people aged 35-54, more than one in six (17%) feel similarly pressured, while only 4% of those aged 55 and above share this feeling.
  • Geographically, the most enthusiastic goal setters are found in Liverpool, where two in five (40%) are planning to set resolutions in 2024. Following closely are Londoners, with more than a third (36%) intending to make resolutions for the New Year, while a third of residents in both Newcastle and Edinburgh (33%) intend to do the same.
  • Less than one in six (14%) residents in Brighton have plans to set resolutions in 2024. Similarly, people in Norwich are less inclined, with less than one in five (18%) intending to do so, followed by those in Plymouth and Glasgow (19%).
  • The majority of people (57%) either have never set a New Year’s resolution in their life or have no plans to do so in 2024.

What are the most common New Year’s resolutions for 2024?

The prevailing theme for resolutions in 2024 revolves around individuals aspiring to enhance their physical well-being. Overall more than three in five people making resolutions (62%) have opted to make physical or dietary changes moving into 2024, but what specifically are the most common resolutions?

  • Topping the list is the commitment to exercise more, with a substantial two in five goal setters (40%) planning to adopt this resolution. Following closely, 35% aim to focus on weight loss, while 33% are dedicated to improving their dietary habits.
  • A significant number of people said they want to stop habits that could be adversely affecting their health. Specifically, 13% of the population has set their sights on reducing alcohol consumption in 2024, and 11% are committed to quitting smoking.
  • Financial goals are on British people’s mind, with almost one third (31%) planning to get their finances in order in 2024.
  • Mental well-being emerges as a significant focus for resolutions. Approximately one quarter (24%) of people said they wanted to reduce stress levels, while an equal proportion (22%) are committed to enhancing their emotional well-being. 
  • Delving into the methods that could be used to improve mental wellbeing, 17% plan to incorporate regular meditation or mindfulness practices into their weekly routines, and 15% intend to cultivate gratitude.
  • Other resolutions reveal Brits’ priorities for the year: nearly one in five (19%) want to strengthen their relationships, and a similar proportion express ambitions to advance in their career goals (18%). Around one in seven (13%) intend to cut down the time they spend on social media.

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How are Brits staying on top of their New Year’s resolutions in 2024?

When it comes to staying on top of their resolutions, people are planning to use a variety of methods to achieve their goals. Key to this appears to be about being realistic and setting achievable goals.

Balancing goals:

  • Almost half of Brits (45%) favour the balance of having a mix of both realistic and more ambitious goals.
  • Over a third (37%) prioritise realistic goals for increased attainability.
  • A small segment, less than one in ten (8%), don’t actively consider this balance.
  • Another 8% lean towards prioritising ambitious goals over realistic ones.

Tracking progress:

  • More than a quarter (27%) of individuals actively monitor their progress towards New Year’s resolutions.
  • Over one in eight (13%) rely on external accountability to stay committed, with 6% having an accountability partner.
  • 5% intend to join social media groups or communities with similar goals while 3% seek guidance from a personal coach or mentor.

Utilising technology:

  • One in eight, (12%) people incorporate mobile apps or online platforms with goal-setting features.
  • Overall, 8% use a fitness tracker or wearable device.

Alternative methods:

  • Nearly one in ten (8%) use a journal or notebook to track their progress.
  • Additionally, a small number of people (3%) are planning on attending workshops or seminars to focus on their goals.
  • A unique 1% explore alternative routes to pursue their objective, such as keeping a spreadsheet.

How long does the average New Year’s resolution last?

When asked about how long people’s resolutions have typically lasted:

  • Brits who have successfully stuck to their New Year’s resolutions in the past claim to have typically maintained them for four and a half months, extending their commitment through to mid-May.
  • For one in five individuals setting new year goals (21%), their resolutions are likely to last less than one month. The largest proportion, more than a third (34%), state that their most recent goal has lasted for between one and three months.
  • On the whole, almost one in six people (approximately 17%) stick to their resolutions for four to six months. Another 9% persist with their goals for six to nine months, and 6% for nine to 12 months.
  • Despite the average New Year’s resolution not standing the test of time, among those who have set resolutions in the past, more than three in five (62%) report that they have stuck to at least one for a year.
  • Notably, approximately half of Britons (51%) have successfully maintained at least one New Year’s goal over the long term, lasting from the time they have set it to the present.

How can resolutions save you money on life insurance long term?

Focusing on a New Year’s resolution not only sets the stage for personal growth but can also cast a positive light on your life insurance premiums. 

The following resolutions, for example, not only enhance well-being but might lead to potential cost savings when buying life insurance:

  • Quitting smoking: Kicking the smoking habit can significantly reduce life insurance costs due to the associated health risks.
  • Reducing alcohol consumption: Moderating alcohol intake or committing to sobriety may positively impact life insurance rates, as excessive alcohol consumption can affect health.
  • Weight loss and healthy lifestyle: Losing weight and adopting a healthier lifestyle, including regular exercise and balanced nutrition, can contribute to better overall health and potentially lower life insurance premiums.
  • Financial stability: Demonstrating financial responsibility and stability, such as improving credit scores and managing debts, can be viewed favourably by insurers, potentially resulting in lower premiums. Additionally, shopping around for insurance can also help secure lower-cost life insurance cover.
  • Stress Reduction Techniques: Chronic stress can contribute to various health problems. Adopting stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, or mindfulness can impact your health positively in the long-run.

Lifestyle and financial changes such as these, plus shopping around for life insurance, can help people enhance their overall health and well-being while also securing more favourable life insurance premiums.


Forbes Advisor conducted a survey of 2,000 British Adults which are UK nationally representative (on the basis of age/gender/region). The survey was commissioned by Forbes Advisor and conducted by market research company Opinium between 14 November 2023 – 17 November 2023.

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