The powerful sorcerer has previously been played by legendary actors (Picture: PA/Getty) A Hollywood great who won an Oscar almost a decade ago is reportedly the...
The show follows the unravelling of a picture-perfect family after a hideous accusation (Picture: Lingo Pictures) The release date of a highly acclaimed ‘gripping’ thriller has...
What’s in store for you today? (Picture: Today, the cosmos is stirring subtle yet powerful changes in how we see ourselves. Capricorn, the smallest decisions...
It’s a cheap time to treat yourself (Picture: Baileys/Metro UK) It seems there’s no sweeter time than right now to pick up a favourite of everyone’s...
These massive songs that Brits love didn’t get anywhere near number one! (Picture: Rex/Getty) Since 1952, the UK charts have kept track of our nation’s very...
What’s in store for you today? (Picture: The Quarter Moon is here, bringing a moment to pause, reflect, adjust and get ahead. Gemini, new opportunities...
Amanj Hasan Zada, 34, has been jailed for 17 years (Picture: Getty) An Iranian man who bragged about being ‘the best smuggler’ has been jailed after arranging Channel...
Fontaines D.C. had a secret cameo from Jade Thirlwall (Picture: Youtube/ Fontaines D.C.) Before her incredible solo comeback, Jade Thirlwall sneakily teased her music by starring...
The Cure have made an astonishing splash with their new album, Songs of a Lost World (Picture: Getty) 80s rock band The Cure have landed their...
Aries 0904 470 1141 (65p per minute)* Taurus 0904 470 1142 (65p per minute)* Gemini 0904 470 1143 (65p per minute)* Cancer 0904 470 1144 (65p...
As we await formal updates on the next James Bond film, a British director is in the frame for the job (Picture: Shutterstock) One of Hollywood...
What’s in store for you today? (Picture: Noticed a heightened perception? There’s no doubt about it, as Scorpio’s energy prompts us to take a closer...