Back in 1951, Ealing Studios produced the classic comedy movie The Lavender Hill Mob. Set on the street of the same name in Battersea near London’s...
It’s one of the greatest war films ever made and has been hailed for its historical accuracy, yet Saving Private Ryan didn’t get everything right about...
Since the end of the most deadly conflict in human history, hundreds of World War II movies have been produced all around the world. unveiled...
Sir David Lean had an incredible film career directing epics from The Bridge on the River Kwai to Lawrence of Arabia and Doctor Zhivago. Alongside adapting...
Back in 1951, Ealing Studios produced the classic comedy movie The Lavender Hill Mob. Set on the street of the same name in Battersea near London’s...
Back in 2008, Kathryn Bigelow directed Jeremy Renner and Anthony Mackie in one of the most influential war films of the 21st century. The Hurt Locker...
A charming market town in Shropshire has some of the best food in the UK, according to a survey from Which? Travel. The team asked more...
Directed by David Lean from a screenplay by Noël Coward, based on his 1936 one-act play Still Life, Brief Encounter is considered one of the greatest...
Simon Calder joined ITV’s This Morning to talk about some of the world’s sunniest holiday destinations and luckily for Britons, there’s one in Europe. He recommended...
Following the blockbuster critical acclaim and $1.4 billion box office of Top Gun: Maverick, a third film’s announcement was only a matter of time. Top Gun...