Back in 1979, Monty Python released their new feature-length film, a comedy about a mistaken messiah living at the same time as Jesus Christ. Incredibly controversial...
Back in 1951, Ealing Studios produced the classic comedy movie The Lavender Hill Mob. Set on the street of the same name in Battersea near London’s...
Sir David Lean had an incredible film career directing epics from The Bridge on the River Kwai to Lawrence of Arabia and Doctor Zhivago. Alongside adapting...
Back in 1951, Ealing Studios produced the classic comedy movie The Lavender Hill Mob. Set on the street of the same name in Battersea near London’s...
Directed by David Lean from a screenplay by Noël Coward, based on his 1936 one-act play Still Life, Brief Encounter is considered one of the greatest...